Friday, February 25, 2005

More on Bill's nightmare

Thank you to Betsy Newmark for linking to my post yesterday on Hillary. I think she is correct that the MSM will ignore any effort to bring up all the Clinton scandals. The point I was trying to make was that a stonewall by the MSM will simply not matter.

Blogs, 527s and talk radio are not helpful to Republicans because they sometimes prod the MSM to cover an issue. They are helpful to the GOP because they constitute a completely different network for information. Via Real Clear Politics this morning, we have the latest column by Michael Barone who shows, once again, that he understands the American political landscape better than anyone. Barone's piece analyzes how Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman relied on personal networks to build an incredible volunteer organization. In doing so, they completely by-passed the old command and control structure used by the Democrats.

Barone describes how campaigns in the past focused on the media to attract votes. Campaign ads and campaign coverage by the news media were critical. The Bush team used personal relationships to build networks and the internet to communicate within those networks. In doing so, they operated off the radar screen of the media.

These types of de-centralized personal networks don't rely on the MSM, with it's monolithic liberal voice, for information. Although, Barone's piece doesn't discuss this, the role of the SwiftVets and their 527 campaign and the role of bloggers generally (not just in Rathergate) made these personal networks far more effective. They provided valuable facts and views to counter the spin coming from the MSM. Note also, that informal networks unrelated to the Bush campaign organization were also extremely significant in getting information out to potential GOP voters. Every day, friends and relatives were e-mailing stories, blogposts, cartoons and internet videos to each other.

How does all this relate to Hillary's campaign and Bill's legacy? Imagine creative types producing their own campaign ads. We saw a few this election. We will see a lot more next time. All the scandals in the Clinton closet will make fertile soil indeed for these videos. Regardless of whether the MSM ever produces a single story, a huge majority of the potential GOP voters will have been exposed to them. The vast web of personal networks and blogs and talk radio listeners, combined with 527 ads over the airwaves, will guarantee that.


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