Thursday, March 31, 2005

Peggy Noonan swings and misses

I like Peggy Noonan. She is smart and thoughtful and she writes well. But every so often she will hit a really sour note. It no longer surprises me as it once did. Her article on Hillary Clinton is a good example. Like everyone, Noonan is a product of and influenced by her environment. Just about every time she misses, living in Manhattan surrounded by the left seems to play a part.

Her analysis of Hillary's chances in 2008 sounds exactly like what you would expect from someone from Manhattan who once worked for CBS and still sees politics in the same light as she did in the 80s and 90s. It is as if the internet, e-mail, bloggers, and 527s never happened. Noonan tells us that Hillary will run, the MSM will love her and voters will have no memory of her role in the corruption and criminality of her years in Little Rock and the White House.

Perhaps in another time long ago.


Blogger SF said...

While I hope you're right that blogs and the net can help prevent Hillary from becoming president, I'm extremely skeptical. The Net is simply a tool, and can as easily be used to spread lies as truth (witness the recent "GOP talking points memo).

You implicitly believe the Net will enable conservatives to remind voters of Hillary's past malfeasance. Problem is that you'll be 'preaching to the choir'. Liberals and independents won't be inclined to read conservative sites, let alone to consider what they find there as true--any more than we'd be inclined to believe info posted on DemUnderground.

I think Noonan is *obviously* right that the MSM love Hillary. Moreover, 48% of voters won't care what she allegedly did in 1992 or whenever. Thus all Hilly has to do to win the presidency is to show enough seriousness about defense to win back 3% of Dems who were skeptical about Kerry last time.

Again, I hope you're right, but....

10:15 AM, April 03, 2005  
Blogger Stan said...

Blogs are only part of the alternative news network. Talk Radio makes a difference. Even bigger will likely be the impact of 527s in bringing ads to TV viewers that the GOP will be afraid to run. Finally, informal e-mail networks make a huge impact. A blogger or even a columnist whose column is on-line makes an important point, and people e-mail them to their friends and family, who often pass them along to someone else. A lot of non-blog readers and non-talk radio listeners get the news this way.

11:47 AM, April 04, 2005  

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