Sunday, March 20, 2005


Given his blatant financial and emotional conflicts of interest, why hasn't Michael Schiavo been removed as guardian? Given those and this, hasn't he provided plenty of evidence that he is unfit for the job?


Blogger Larraine said...

Doesn't seem as if Michael Shiavo is unfit at all. He's been offered a lot of money to walk away and has refused the money. He keeps saying it isn't about the money and insists he loves his wife and wants what she would have wanted. If I were he I would have walked years ago and let her parents have her. However, he seems bound and determined to do what he says she wanted. So I don't see the "entanglements" here. Congress jumping in is a much bigger entanglement and is an affront the Constitution. Bill Frist making pronouncements about her condition WITHOUT examining her is a much bigger entanglement. Her doctors who have been treating her say she is in a persistent vegetative state and that most of her brain has ceased to function and therapy won't help. So, what do you think - they are all planning to split the insurance? By the time Schiavo pays his lawyer there probably won't be much left anyway unless there was a huge insurance policy.

12:00 PM, March 20, 2005  
Blogger Bachbone said...

News reports I have seen say there are also doctors and nurses who dispute that Ms. Schiavo is "brain dead." And the judge's alleged remark to the effect that Congress has no business in the matter is not born out by other instances where it intervened for the "good" of someone (e.g., Elian Gonzales). In fact, it's time Congress put a stop to judges acting as if they were God.

11:15 PM, March 20, 2005  

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