Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Clinton's top priority

Bill Clinton originally reacted to the news about Berger's document theft by laughing and implying that Berger's lack of organization and mishandling of top secret documents was a frequent source of humor. Lori Byrd says that Rush Limbaugh ran a clip of Bill Richardson (former Clinton aide and present Democratic governor of New Mexico) in which he repeated this description of Berger as a sloppy bumbler.

As I pointed out before, this is just another in a very long series of instances where the Clinton administration has deflected criminal charges by admitting rank incompetence. Note that the most serious incompetence is not on Berger's part, but rather on the part of Bill Clinton as president. He and Richardson are telling us that Berger was totally unfit for his job, they knew very well how unfit he was, and he was kept on the job.

Why? Dick Morris tells us that Berger has joined another long list -- the list of those who have rolled over for the Clintons. Perhaps Clinton felt that having a security advisor willing to commit crimes to protect him was more important than having a security advisor competent at protecting us.


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