Monday, April 04, 2005

Wrecking Lives, Encouraging Fraud

Instapundit points to this post on law school affirmative action by David Bernstein at the Volokh Conspiracy. I want to highlight this:
While the ABA and AALS congratulate themselves based on increasing the numbers of black lawyers, they neglect the carnage caused to people's lives who enter law school with a good-faith belief that the law school they are attending thinks they will succeed, while in fact admissions officers and law school administrators know that it is likely they will never become lawyers. Anywhere from one semester to three-plus years of these students' lives are wasted in a futile effort to become attorneys, while they could have been succeeding in some other field. The ABA won't accredit a law school that doesn't ADMIT what they consider to be enough black law students, but doesn't seem to mind that at many of these schools, most of the black students admitted won't become lawyers. It's a fraud, a travesty, and something that makes me very angry.

Bottom line -- affirmative action isn't about helping blacks. It is about liberals feeling good about themselves. And if they have to wreck the lives of a lot of blacks to do it, that is a price they are willing to "pay".


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