Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hitchens utterly destroys the childish brats of the left

Read it all. And then go back and read it again. And again. Until you have committed it to memory.

Hitchens, in "A War to Be Proud of", constructs an airtight case against the frauds and fools who worship Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore as they fervently hope for victory for the Islamo-fascist terrorists. Hitchens is no fan of Bush. The hero in his account is the anonymous American public. He writes:
The second bit of luck is a certain fiber displayed by a huge number of anonymous Americans. Faced with a constant drizzle of bad news and purposely demoralizing commentary, millions of people stick out their jaws and hang tight. I am no fan of populism, but I surmise that these citizens are clear on the main point: It is out of the question--plainly and absolutely out of the question--that we should surrender the keystone state of the Middle East to a rotten, murderous alliance between Baathists and bin Ladenists. When they hear the fatuous insinuation that this alliance has only been created by the resistance to it, voters know in their intestines that those who say so are soft on crime and soft on fascism.

Having thus fortified yourself with fact and logic, join with renewed vigor the fight against the dishonest nihilists of the left and their disgraceful effort to defeat America. Our children are depending on us to win this one. Defeat is not an option.


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