Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lileks on Sheehan and the Dimocrats

As he usually does, Lileks nails it with Cindy Sheehan. Of course, the interesting part of the story is not her incoherent, moronic ramblings or even her virulent anti-semitism. No, the interesting part is how the Democratic Party embraces such idiocy. As he writes:
The hard left in America needs to realize a bald, cruel fact: Anyone who sees no moral distinction between Israel and the mullahs of Iran, or sees the U.S. attempt to set up a constitutional republic in Iraq as equivalent to the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, suffers from incurable moral cretinism. The more the fervent anti-war base embraces these ideas, the more they ensure that no one will trust the left with national security. Ever.

Will they learn the lesson? Even money says Sheehan will be sitting in the Michael Moore seat next to Jimmy Carter at the '08 Democratic convention.


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