Sunday, September 04, 2005

That reminds me -- whatever happened to Hugh Rodham's cash for pardons?

I meant to blog on this a few months ago. Ronald Wieck's piece in The American Thinker reminded me. He wrote:
Imagine (the effort might require straining) a reporter forgetting that his job requires sensitivity to the needs of the Democratic Party above all, and summoning up the temerity to eschew the soft lob in favor of a hard slider: Senator Kerry, you talk constantly of your own bravery and express enormous pride in the exploits of your “Band of Brothers.” If the war was immoral, and you participated in actions that violated the Geneva Convention, burning villages and all that—making you, by your own lights, a war criminal—can you tell us what, exactly, you are proud of?

Oh, yes, that could happen. It could happen on the planet where Dan Rather spearheads an investigation into Hugh Rodham’s refusal to return the four hundred grand he charged to obtain presidential pardons from his Bubba-in-law.

Whatever happened to Hugh's ill-gotten gains? How about Roger Clinton's even larger stash of pardon-purchasing cash? I recall that Hillary once announced that the money was going to be returned and the MSM accepted, as fact, that it had been. But was it? If it wasn't returned, why not? Inquiring minds want to know. What about the status of Hugh's ethics investigation by the Florida Bar?

I wonder -- if W had a brother and a brother-in-law who had raked in serious money selling presidential pardons -- would the MSM be interested in seeing the matter to a conclusion?


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