Sunday, October 16, 2005

Beldar fisks NRO

When journalists try to argue with a good lawyer their logical fallacies get exposed to a glaring spotlight. Clearly the Chicken Littles at NRO didn't count on having Beldar expose their inadequacies or they would have written a bit more carefully. Beldar slices up the NRO folks like Jackson handled the British at New Orleans. Will NRO keep a-comin'?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was much of a fisking. It just sounded snarky in a schoolgirl kinda way.

Beldar linked to a previous post where he wrote:

"Harriet Miers. . . couldn't get this panel. . . to bend a harsh administrative law out of shape. Funny, that, how Judge Rubin still went out of his way to compliment Ms. Miers."

Um, HELLO! Isn't that what her critics have been arguing all along? Nice lady, competent lawyer, but she'll try to bend the law out of shape to achieve desired outcomes.

5:48 PM, October 16, 2005  

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