Thursday, October 27, 2005

A sad day for ALL of us

So Harriet Miers decided that enough was enough. I can't say I blame her one bit. I am saddened for three very different reasons. First, no person should ever be treated the way she was treated. Being nominated for any federal position should never be viewed as sufficient justificatiion for others to trash and slander a lifetime of honest, noble service. There is a very nasty place in hell waiting for those who have used this type of despicable tactic on people such as Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Kenneth Starr and, now, Harriet Miers.

Second, the conservatives who trashed Miers have made it impossible to object when liberals renew their brand of character assassination on the next Republican they get in their sights.

And finally, the politicization of the judiciary is now complete and permanent. This is the worst of the repercussions from this sad, disgusting episode. Litmus tests have been enshrined. More on this in the next post.


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