Monday, October 31, 2005

The sad performance of the Times and Post

American Thinker has a detailed look at the poor reporting from these two papers on the whole Wilson/Plame debacle. Money quote:
A newspaper so enmeshed in repeating lies on critical matters of national importance as the New York Times deserves to die a quick death. To rely on it for important matters after this behavior, is to rely on a thoroughly untrustworthy source. It has become little more than a cocooning plaything: an alternate reality in which the anti-Administration left can feel cozy in their make-believe land.

Neither paper deserves our respect for being so uncritical of his claims in the first instance and for having so long kept silent about the truth when it became known. They behaved like the kind of beasts who attack firemen trying to put out a fire and save their neighborhood.The Washington Post reconsidered and pulled back. The New York Times did not, evidently hoping for the flames to win.


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