Friday, April 21, 2006

Left-- "Stop using good sense!"

An article today in the dead tree WSJ outlines all the problems of France's left-wing newspaper. The most interesting part of the tale has to be the position taken in a petition by the lefty reporters who staff the paper. They claim that the problems are due to an editorial line "that flirts too often with 'good sense'." The article says that they urged more radicalism from the paper. That is, they wanted "causes, utopias, desires and provocations."

Of course, there are two possible explanations for this. One -- they oppose good sense out of business smarts. They know that their readership is a bunch of wackos who have no interest in rational judgment.

Or two -- they are just wackos without a clue.

Is it the readership or the reporters who are nuts? Or both?


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