Monday, February 28, 2005

Taranto needs to rethink the lessons of 2004

Last week in the paper edition of the WSJ, James Taranto (who does Best of the Web for the paper's Opinion Journal) had a piece on the danger to Republicans if they focus on Hillary and the Clinton scandals should she be the Democratic nominee in 2008. Taranto points out that the Democrats' hatred of Bush last year hurt their chances of winning and deduces that anger is to be avoided for electoral success.

I'd like to point out that the SwiftVets were motivated by anger last year, as well. Their anger was 30 years deep and really, really strong. And, oh by the way, they were extraordinarily effective.

What was the difference? The SwiftVets had truth on their side. The Democrats, with all their frothing about Hitler and Nazi stormtroopers, were clearly insane.

But didn't impeachment hurt the Republicans in 1998? No, what hurt the Republicans was the fact the Clinton and the MSM were able to spin all the corruption and criminality into nothing but a little lying about sex.

Next time around the MSM won't be able to stonewall everything but the sex.


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