Friday, March 04, 2005

Peggy Noonan -- good advice 20 years late

Peggy Noonan's recent column for the WSJ had good advice for CBS News. It would have helped 20 years ago. She says forget trying to make the anchor a star, spend money on good correspondents instead, and stop relying on the NY Times to explains what is news.

CBS News could adopt every one of her suggestions, but it wouldn't matter in the end. CBS will not have a news division in 10 or 20 years. And their influence will continue to wane until it dies along with their last viewer.

The only hope for CBS News in the short term is that ratings tank so badly so quickly that the network decides to do something truly radical rather than simply accept its fate as the first network to give up the news. In the long term, all 3 networks will give it up.


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