Friday, April 01, 2005

So much silliness, so little time

Each of these topics deserve an in-depth look, but I don't have the time. Off the cuff observations:
1. The idea that the GOP will be hurt because Randall Terry is seen as a spokesman for those trying to keep Terri Schiavo alive and Terry is a dog with fleas. I'll worry about it when the Democrats are hurt by actually embracing and treating as a rock star nasty snakes like Fidel Castro and Michael Moore.

2. Glenn Reynolds highlighted this proposal from Bill Quick who is unhappy with Bush and the GOP. I think all of these folks who threaten to defect from the GOP over Schiavo, etc. are simply ridiculous. But look at some of the "particulars" that Quick cites for his dissatisfaction. This for example:
9. Bush's gross mismanagement of Fallujah in Iraq, that needlessly cost dozens of American lives, and for a time threatened the entire future of the Iraqi experiment in democracy.

Get that? He doesn't want to be a Republican because he disagrees with our military tactics in fighting the war in Iraq. Puhleeeze.

3. What about the charge that the GOP was hypocritical in pushing Congressional legislation? Or as Quick puts it:
I'm not happy about the hypocrisy exibited by a supposedly small-government, individual liberty party in cheerfully reaching for the club of government to enforce a different outcome on the Schiavo issue, simply because they don't like the way the current law plays out.
What garbage. Heck this does deserve a separate post. See next.


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