Monday, April 11, 2005

When Republicans Read Polls

Dennis Savakis at American Thinker expalins that the GOP in Congress needs to play hardball. He complains that every time the Democrats and the MSM attack, they fold. And he speculates that this is why their poll numbers are down.

Michael Barone tells us that the hard numbers of elections tell us a whole lot more about the underlying strength of the GOP than the poor polls that the MSM outlets are turning out.

I think that Dennis makes good points, but ultimately has it backwards. The poll numbers are down because the MSM consistently hammers the GOP in the news and then slants the polls in asking people what they think of the slanted news they've been getting lately.

Barone has it right. The GOP is still scared to death of the MSM. Republicans in DC don't yet understand how strong their base is, how strong the alternative news network is, and how discredited the MSM when it comes to the ballot box.


Blogger Bachbone said...

The GOP has gotten nary a cent from me for years. I donate directly to those individual members who will fight, but not a cent to the party as long as its leadership, Frist and Hastert currently, cave in.

10:03 PM, April 12, 2005  

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