Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'm an Enterpriser

Via Betsy, I am an Enterpriser. Here is the test. Had I read the description before answering the questions, I could have told you that.

The description of the people in this group had some stats which don't get enough attention. I have always maintained that liberals in the media get it badly wrong when they say that the GOP is the party of big business. In reality, small business owners (and the self-employed) are the strongest supporters of the party. Big business and big labor tend to favor big government.

And another detail -- people in this group follow the news and are better informed than those in any other group (which probably explains why they are in this group). This is something that Rush has been saying about his listeners for years. Next time some provincial news media type shows his ignorance by asserting that Rush Limbaugh listeners (or listeners of talk radio in general) are uneducated fools, remember who is actually showing himself to be a fool.

Here are the various profiles.


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