Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Anyone notice a pattern here?

Liberal elites aren't just out of touch in America. They are just as removed from reality all around the globe. Thomas Sowell has probably written more than anyone on the liberal elites and all the ways that their advice has hurt people. Some of the more astute political post-mortems of the past election have noted that the Democratic party is dominated by elites whose attitudes are markedly different from the values of mainstream Americans. It is the same around the world. Specifically, in attitudes toward George Bush and the USA.

Via Real Clear Politics, we have Christopher Hitchens pointing out that the "Arab Street" has turned out to be very different than the way liberals have been telling us. Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit has a number of links on this subject and the last of which shows Lebanese waving an American flag during their protests for democracy yesterday.

It seems that in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Lebanon, the oppressed and down-trodden who thirst for freedom and democracy actually love America and George Bush. As do those in the former Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe who still remember what it was like to live under repressive dictatorship.

Anyone else see a pattern here? The European and Arab ruling elites hate Bush and America. Where they control the media, they are able to slant the news so badly that their citizens often do, too. They, and their elite liberal brethren in the US, want us to believe that commoners everywhere hate the US. The problem comes whenever oppressed people actually come in contact with the work of Bush and the USA.

Those who know our work, up close and personal, love us.


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