Friday, April 01, 2005

Dirty Secret of "Investigative Journalism"

In the context of the Oil for Food Scandal, Roger Simon reveals the truth about so-called investigative journalism:
Here's the secret about investigative reporting: it's no big deal. For the most part all you need is email and a phone. Once you are known to be interested in a subject, people will come to you with their stories. Deep Throat - assuming there was one such person - contacted Woodward and Bernstein, not the other way around. So investigative reporting (often - and certainly in my case) is simply an example of the old saw "If you build it, they will come." Those national newspapers simply didn't want them to come.

Next time you wonder why there are no stories on the creators of the fake CBS memos or the fake GOP talking points or any of the dozens of other stories that would make liberal Democrats look bad, remember Simon's reminder -- the MSM doesn't want them.


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