Monday, April 18, 2005

How You Can Tell a Liberal Knows She is Losing

I am watching Larry Kudlow's show on CNBC where he is currently hosting a debate between Hugh Hewitt and Nancy Zirkin on the Senate filibuster rules on judicial nominations. I support Hugh's position and readily admit that I may be biased in his favor, but it sure looked to me that Hugh did a substantially better job.

Ms. Zirkin probably agrees. Because near the end, she veered into standard left-wing slander mode. The problem she said, was the extreme right wing theocrats who dominate the Republican Party and want to effectuate their dream of 20 years to pack all the federal courts with extremist conservative judges.

At this point, I took that to be the equivalent of an admission of defeat. Some wag once pointed out that internet discussion threads on politics invariably end up with someone likening his opponent to Hitler. Eventually, people began to see that person as the automatic loser of the debate. Cite Hitler? You lose.

Liberals use slander so often that it is rare to have a debate or a political campaign without their use of it. So slander alone doesn't signify that they know they are losing. I would say, however, that when you hear a liberal go beyond "extreme right-wing" and begin spouting "theocrat" you know that they know they are losing.


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